• São Pedro Church

Similar to what happened regarding the development of the São Pedro parish itself, also the construction of the parish church was very much delayed due to many impediments.

The order for construction was already given in 1590 and the church should have been finished six years later, but due to all alterations, extensions and improvements having been made to the original plans, the end of the construction drew out far into the 18th century.

The entire complex of the São Pedro’s mother church was born from a big church with a single nave with three lateral chapels and two collateral altars.

Glazed tiles from the 17th century cover almost all the interior walls from the bottom to the top, not only from the nave and the chancel but also those from the sacristies. Paintings, jewellery and furniture from the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century complete the interior decoration.

This church boasts another interesting feature, which is easily to be missed if you don’t know from where to look! Go a little bit further up the Calçada de Santa Clara and look back. From here you will be able to get a perfect view onto the church tower and the magnificent work done in colourful tiles, on top of which you will find a rooster!

São Pedro Church

São Pedro Church