• Madeira Rainstorm

The forecasts of the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA) did not fall short in terms of the consequences of the passage of the Oscar depression being quite serious in the Madeira archipelago on Monday.

The IPMA predicted that the intensity of the rain would increase overnight, which it did. The Funchal City Council has urged residents to avoid unnecessary travel, and schools and non-essential services were closed on Tuesday.

During this rainstorm, the newly redesigned streams (ribeiras) in the heart of Funchal demonstrated their remarkable effectiveness. Despite the heavy rainfall all over the island, the streets of Funchal remained free from flooding, all thanks to the meticulously designed stream (ribeira) system.

Their successful performance can be witnessed in the video, where they not only averted potential disasters but also played a vital role in keeping the city clean and well-maintained.

The mighty torrent of water cascading from the north is captured by our Funchal Marina Live Webcam, while machinery works tirelessly to clear away debris.

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