• Madeira Island Tourism - Safe Destination

Every year thousands of tourists return to the island of Madeira, one of the oldest places to travel in Europe, thanks to its amazing natural landscapes, its sunny year-round climate, and the feeling of safety that this virtually crime-free holiday destination has to offer!

This is one of the few places in the world where you can enjoy the city after dark without concern for your personal safety.

Madeira is a subtropical island that differs from other locations with similar climates in a very special way. The island has virtually no pests and is free of dangerous insects and bugs. Wild animals are limited to rabbits and birds. There are no snakes and no swarms of irritating mosquitoes! On the same note, the waters surrounding Madeira are shark-free and one has to venture out in a boat to encounter whales, turtles and dolphins. Come to Madeira and enjoy the holiday of a lifetime in safety and security!